Quick Obsession Update

final-2_02Tempest Beach Series

Jerry here with a quick update for you. Kathrine tells me that she has seen a rough draft of Obsession (Tempest Beach Series Book Two) back from the editor. She is very pleased with how it’s turning out, there are just a couple of things that need polishing up. She is hoping that the final edit will be back with her today. Then it is just a matter of her reading though it to make sure it is right and if it is, getting it all formatted ready for publishing.

Kathrine is thinking that is should be ready for publishing within the next couple of weeks. So isn’t that exciting. It has taken way longer than she expected. It is almost a year since she published ‘Missing’. She hopes that it isn’t so long until she publishes book three.

Anyway keep watching this space for more information. I will be keeping you updated as things progress.

Jerry M.

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